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Vue 327 fois par 218 personnes.
Sortie n° 428771, créée le 23 07 2024
Danses japonaises
Date de la sortie
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Mardi 17 Septembre 2024

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AWA ODORI  – Japanese Traditional Dance

The Embassy of Japan in Luxembourg is proud to announce new free culture events: Awa Odori dance performances by the dance group “Takarabune”!

There will be two types of events in Luxembourg with this special dance group from Japan:


Tuesday, 17th September 2024

Public concert and dance performance in Place d’Armes, in the inner city of Luxembourg. There are several 20-30 minute performances, at 12h3015h00 and 18h00.

Come and enjoy the show, it’s public and for free! (You don’t need to register anything.)


Wednesday, 18th September 2024

In collaboration with the University of Luxembourg

19h00 - Free performance at University of Luxembourg, Esch/Belval, in the Maison des Arts et des Ètudiants (MAE), 6, avenue de la Fonte, L-4364 Esch-sur-AlzetteSee a full performance of Takarabune in a seated concert setting. (Doors open at 18h30)

Ticket reservation mandatory, please follow this link:


Or scan this QR code:




What is “Awa Odori”?

Awa Odori (阿波踊り, Odori means dance.) is a Japanese traditional dance that originated in the Awa region (Tokushima Prefecture in Shikoku island) and has a history of over 450 years. Its festival is one of the biggest and most famous in Japan and takes place every August. Last year about 540,000 people reportedly visited the festival.

During the festival, groups of choreographed dancers and musicians known as ren () dance through the streets, typically accompanied by the shamisen lute, taiko drums, shinobue flute and the kane bell. Performers wear traditional obon dance costumes, and chant and sing as they parade through the streets.


What is “Takarabune”?

Takarabune” means “Tresure ship” and it’s a Japanese dance group of Awa Odori.

Takarabune combines costumes, singing, taiko drums and kane bell to an energetic festival dance! They push the limits of this revered traditional art: their signature dance style is so energetic and vigorous that you will want to join them! 

With more than 300 shows per year, Takarabune has performed in 69 cities all around the globe, so come and enjoy the show!




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